Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This is a picture of my almost 8 year old cat. She is so spoiled and only likes me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Quilt block

This is a table top that I painted a quilt block on. I saved this cheap little table from the garbage. I then removed the legs and the steel brackets that held them on. I noticed that the steel brackets could be used again. I came up with the idea to mount one on wall and screw one of the legs back into it.It could all be painted and used for whatever your imagination needs it for. I think that it could be used to hang towels or quilts on. These tables can be purchased for about $5.00 and used for lots of purposes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Turning a buffet into a flat screen tv cabinet.

It was time to purchase a new T.V. and we wanted a Flat screen. I didn't like the cabinets that were on the market and really could not afford one. I came up with the idea of buying an old buffet(cheap of course) and removing the drawer fronts and re hinging them. That would make a place for the dvd player. I cleaned it all up and painted it black,before that I sanded it down so the paint would stick. I always like to paint black first under my main color,because it brings out the richness in the top paint color. Oh by the way I paid $25.00 for the cabinet. I then hinged the drawer fronts back on and painted everything and off white. I then distressed it with a brown paint.  I watered the brown paint down and applied it with a brush and then wiped it off with a rag. I already had the paint. I got a gallon of black paint on a sale at Walmart. It had been ordered for another person and they were not happy with it so those mistakes go on a half price sale rack. I only have less than $30.00 in the whole project. It works great and I love it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My nephew had built my parents this shelf for mom's canned goods. When my mom moved I brought the shelf home. I tried many different uses for it and then decided it was just in the way. I then put it in storage. One day while looking at it and trying to figure out a new use for it. It came to me to totally rebuild it and make a buffet. I had to purchase some wide pine and some trim. It really didn't take very long and I was very happy with the results.

Just Junk by Cheryl

I am a housewife that has been making things for my home for many years. I always believed in the saying "Necessity is the mother of all inventions" I just knew that I could make things so much cheaper than I could by them. I started out sewing and making my own curtains and then I tried painting things for my own use. Now one of my favorite things is to buy something at a junk store and re-make it into something else or just make it better.My friends all compliment me on my talent. I just say "It's Just Junk!